Brilliance: splendor, elegance, excellence or magnificence.
FLOTUS, Michelle Obama embodies this definition perfectly. She is indeed a woman of brilliance in that she is accomplished, refined, has far-ranging talents and seemingly does it all: (working) mother, loving wife, dutiful daughter. Twice-Ivy League-educated lawyer and slayer of fashion all day, every day; genuine, down to earth, accessible, determined, compassionate; opener of the White House.
Can you tell we go hard for our FLOTUS?
In the time that President Barack Obama has been in office, Michelle Obama has maintained an overall likability rating of over 70 percent (even when her husband’s has slipped under 40) .. oops! :/
She is charming and talented and smart. Just as smart as (President Obama) is. This fact is what makes us go crazy for our First La-day (Hey, that rhymes!).. We think she understood how to pull back just enough without losing too much of herself. In our lifetime, to see a woman balance all those things, it's like seeing a unicorn. She supports her man, and supports her children, and takes care of her mother. She’s doing it all. … And looks fashionable doing it. I don’t know if we’ve ever seen that done so well in such a public space.
From MO's 'Let's Move' campaign to her immovable stance on the role of girls in the world and education; we can not let this week go by without pinpointing her brilliance and loyalty to her family and country!
Michelle Obama for President? :)
Either way, we truly look forward to the strides she makes even after POTUS' presidency term is complete.
We love Michelle Obama for a million different reasons, see amazing write up by For Harriet staff to learn more: http://www.forharriet.com/2015/05/11-reasons-michelle-obama-has-been.html#axzz4GDtYGcwi
It is a focal point of our movement to empower others, especially women. We invite you back this same time next week to see what person local or abroad we will be highlighting for the week!
E. Gray